Beekeeping adventures with Grandma
Ben WeeksShare
Hello, everyone! I'm an 8-year-old beekeeper on a journey to earn my young beekeeper certificate, and I want to share my recent beekeeping adventure with you all. My grandma and I visited our two beehives, and it was buzzing with excitement (pun intended!).
- Bug Hunt and Keeping Our Bees Healthy
During our recent hive inspection, we noticed something interesting. We think we spotted some varroa mites (I hope I spelled that right!). We even took some photos to double-check. My grandma helps with the heavy lifting of the hive, and we're always checking for bugs together to make sure our bee friends stay healthy.
- Handling Bee Boxes and Collecting Honeycomb
One of my favourite parts of beekeeping is handling the bee boxes. My grandma taught me to be careful and use smoke to calm the bees before opening the hive. The anticipation and excitement of uncovering what's inside the hive are simply amazing.
- The Tray of Honeycomb
We also collected a tray of honeycomb from one of our hives. Although we didn't taste this one, I can tell you it looked like a bunch of perfect hexagons. It's incredible to see how bees create such beautiful and intricate structures.
- Bee Happy Farm and the Sweet Rewards
I also run my own business called Bee Happy Farm, where we sell our delicious honey. It's not just about selling honey; it's about sharing the sweetness of nature with others. And of course, my absolute favourite part of beekeeping is getting to taste the honey I've helped produce.
In the future, I plan to continue beekeeping with my grandma and learning all there is to know about these incredible creatures. It's an adventure that's both educational and loads of fun!
Thank you for joining me on this bee-tastic journey. Stay tuned for more buzzworthy updates from Bee Happy Farm!